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Friday 23 October 2015


The first edition of Abnormal Psychology pioneered
a new generation of abnormal psychology textbooks,
which offer an integrative and multidimensional perspective. (We
acknowledge such one-dimensional approaches as biological,
psychosocial, and supernatural as historic trends.) We include
substantial current evidence of the reciprocal influences of biology
and behavior and of psychological and social influences on
biology. Our examples hold students’ attention; for example, we
discuss genetic contributions to divorce, the effects of early social
and behavioral experience on later brain function and structure,
new information on the relation of social networks to the common
cold, and new data on psychosocial treatments for cancer. We
emphasize the fact that in the phenomenon of implicit memory
and blind sight, which may have parallels in dissociative experiences,
psychological science verifies the existence of the unconscious
(although it does not much resemble the seething caldron
of conflicts envisioned by Freud). We present new evidence confirming the effects of psychological treatments on neurotransmitter
fl ow and brain function. We acknowledge the often neglected
area of emotion theory for its rich contributions to psychopathology
(e.g., the effects of anger on cardiovascular disease). We
weave scientific findings from the study of emotions together
with behavioral, biological, cognitive, and social discoveries to

create an integrated tapestry of psychopathology.


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