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Wednesday, 2 March 2016



The landmark guide to internal medicine―
updated and streamlined for today’s students and clinicians

A Doody's Core Title for 2015.
All eChapters in the Nineteenth Edition are accessible online as well as on the DVD packaged within the print volumes,  so you have the flexibility of using the method of access most convenient to you.  

Through six decades, no resource has matched the authority, esteemed scholarship, and scientific rigor ofHarrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine. Capturing the countless advances and developments across the full span of medicine, the new 19th edition of Harrison’s provides a complete update of essential content related to disease pathogenesis, clinical trials, current diagnostic methods and imaging approaches, evidence-based practice guidelines, and established and newly approved treatment methods.
Here are just a few of the outstanding features of the new Nineteenth Edition:
  • Presented in two volumes: Volume 1 is devoted to foundational principles, cardinal manifestations of disease and approach to differential diagnosis; Volume 2 covers disease pathogenesis and treatment
  • NEW chapters on important topics such as Men’s Health, The Impact of Global Warming on Infectious Diseases, Fatigue, and many more
  • Critical updates in management and therapeutics in Hepatitis, Coronary Artery Disease, Ebola Virus Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes, Hypertension, Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism, Acute and Chronic Kidney Disease, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Lipoprotein Disorders, HIV and AIDS, and more.
  • Increased number of the popular Harrison’s clinical algorithms; clinically relevant radiographic examples spanning hundreds of diseases; clinical-pathological images in full color; crystal clear, full color drawings and illustrations and helpful tables and summary lists that make clinical application of the content faster than ever
  • Access to outstanding multi-media resources including practical videos demonstrating essential bedside procedures, physical examination techniques, endoscopic findings, cardiovascular findings, and more
Supporting the renowned coverage are supplemental resources that reflect and assist modern medical practice: more than 1,000 full-color photographs to aid visual recognition skills, hundreds of state-of-the-art radiographs, from plain film to 3D CT to PET Scans; beautiful illustrations that bring applied anatomy and processes to life; the renowned Harrison’s patient-care algorithms, essential summary tables, and practical demonstrative videos. In addition, the book’s several digital atlases highlight noninvasive imaging, percutaneous revascularization, gastrointestinal endoscopy, diagnosis and management of vasculitis, and numerous other issues commonly encountered in clinical practice.
Acclaim for Harrison’s
“Covering nearly every possible topic in the field of medicine, the book begins with a phenomenal overview of clinical medicine, discussing important topics such as global medicine, decision-making in clinical practice, the concepts of disease screening and prevention, as well as the importance of medical disorders in specific groups (e.g. women, surgical patients, end of life). The extensive chapters that follow focus on a symptom-based presentation of disease and then illness organized by organ system. Numerous tables, graphs, and figures add further clarity to the text. The accompanying DVD includes extensive video and image collections of pathology, histology, procedures, additional lectures, and radiology…
…Written by experts in the field, this book is updated with the latest advances in pathophysiology and treatment. It is organized in a way that makes reading from beginning to end a logical journey, yet each chapter can stand alone as a quick reference on a particular topic. “


Friday, 23 October 2015




The first edition of Abnormal Psychology pioneered
a new generation of abnormal psychology textbooks,
which offer an integrative and multidimensional perspective. (We
acknowledge such one-dimensional approaches as biological,
psychosocial, and supernatural as historic trends.) We include
substantial current evidence of the reciprocal influences of biology
and behavior and of psychological and social influences on
biology. Our examples hold students’ attention; for example, we
discuss genetic contributions to divorce, the effects of early social
and behavioral experience on later brain function and structure,
new information on the relation of social networks to the common
cold, and new data on psychosocial treatments for cancer. We
emphasize the fact that in the phenomenon of implicit memory
and blind sight, which may have parallels in dissociative experiences,
psychological science verifies the existence of the unconscious
(although it does not much resemble the seething caldron
of conflicts envisioned by Freud). We present new evidence confirming the effects of psychological treatments on neurotransmitter
fl ow and brain function. We acknowledge the often neglected
area of emotion theory for its rich contributions to psychopathology
(e.g., the effects of anger on cardiovascular disease). We
weave scientific findings from the study of emotions together
with behavioral, biological, cognitive, and social discoveries to

create an integrated tapestry of psychopathology.





   With over 1000 essential questions, MCQs and EMQs in Surgery is the ideal self-assessment companion guide to Bailey & Love’s Short Practice in Surgery, 26th edition. The book assists trainee surgeons as they prepare for examinations and enables them to test their knowledge of the principles and practice of surgery as outlined in Bailey & Love.
   Divided into 13 subject-specific sections and written by expert contributors, the MCQs and EMQs provide comprehensive coverage of the current surgical curriculum as well as the core learning points as set out in Bailey & Love. The book is ideally suited for the MRCS exam as well as for the first part of the FRCS (General Surgery) and the new Intercollegiate FRCS (International) exams.

   The book emphasises the importance of self-assessment within effective clinical examination and soundly based surgical principles while taking into account the latest developments in practice. This new edition includes many new contributors and enhanced chapters with answers provided in much greater detail.
   While the book is closely aligned with the content of the celebrated Bailey & Love, it also performs well as a standalone self-test guide and may be used independently. MCQs and EMQs in Surgery provides an invaluable revision tool for all candidates studying for the MRCS and FRCS exams.


Tuesday, 9 June 2015


Lippincott Illustrated Q&A Review of Rubin's Pathology, Second Edition offers up-to-date, clinically relevant board-style questions-perfect for course review and board prep. Approximately 1,000 multiple-choice questions with detailed answer explanations cover frequently tested topics in general and systemic pathology. The book is heavily illustrated with photos in the question or answer explanation